+41 (0) 71 971 32 71


MENTAL DRIVE GmbH was developed in 2006 from the single company Mental Drive Rinaldo Manferdini. Headquarters are in Brunnadern/SG.

The MENTAL DRIVE GmbH training program is a scientifically proven training concept. The program is divided into three performance and health-related sections, the importance of which have been continuously growing over the past years: mental training, speedreading and nutrition.

Our clients include companys, associations, federal offices, elite athletes, artists, musicians, politicians as well as individual clients. We are covering the German-speaking par of Switzerland as well as German- and English-speaking countries.

All business partners to MENTAL DRIVE GmbH are experts within their field. Due to regular internal training, we provide latest knowledge and ensure high quality standard. It’s our honor to live up to our ethical values, such as highest confidentiality and discretion.

All coachings and trainings can be done online as well.