+41 (0) 71 971 32 71


Business Partner of MENTAL DRIVE are all distinguished specialists within their field of expertise in mental training, nutrition or smart reading. All of them have successfully finished the exclusive education to become a Mental Trainer MD and can offer thorough knowledge within their specification. Due to regular internal and external seminars, they all can ensure the latest knowledge of sport science, nutrition and smart reading.

Rinaldo Manferdini, lic. phil. I, Sportlehrer ETH

Rinaldo Manferdini, lic. phil. I, Sports Teacher ETH

CEO and founder of Mental Drive GmbH

Mentaltrainer MD, Smart Reading trainer MD and Sports Nutritionist Coach

Steigstrasse 27, CH-9125 Brunnadern

phone: +41 71 971 32 71

Thomas Reutimann, M.Sc., Sportlehrer ETH

Thomas Reutimann, M.Sc., Sport Teacher ETH

Deputy Manager and Business Partner

Mental Trainer MD and Sport Nutrition Coach

Urmisweg 4D, CH-6102 Malters/LU

phone: +41 41 497 46 86

Tina E. L. Dyck, Trainerin A+ Leistungssport

Tina E. L. Dyck, Trainerin A+ elite sport

Business Partner

Mental Trainer MD, Smart Reading Trainer MD and Nutrition Coach

Eraplana 216, CH-7220 Schiers

phone: +41 79 832 19 82

Michael Kaufmann, Dipl. Ing. FH, MAS Change Management und Teamdynamik

Michael Kaufmann, Dipl. Ing. FH

Business Partner

Mental Trainer MD and Mediator

Allmendstrasse 6, CH-4938 Rohrbach

phone: +41 79 707 45 07

Sibylle Scheiwiller, MAS Coaching, Unternehmensberatung und Change Management

Sibylle Scheiwiller, MAS Coaching, Organizational Development, Change Management,

eidg. dipl. PR- and Communication counsellor

Mental Trainerin MD and Business Partner MD


phone +41 79 641 84 72

Heli Gaisberger, Product Manager FH

Heli Gaisberger, Product Manager FH

Business Partner

Mental Trainer MD and Nutrition Coach

Altaussee 75, A-8992 Altaussee

phone: +43 676 570 80 64 and +41 79 373 87 60