+41 (0) 71 971 32 71

Most Effective Nutritional Supplements from PM International with FitLine

PM International and FitLine

We only collaborate with companies that provide supplements to the highest international standard. This includes but is not limited to the quality of ingredients, ideal biodiversity, efficacy proof by patents, doping proof guarantee (in writing) for all products, customer oriented services and reduced prices due to direct purchasing at manufacturer. Only very few companies fulfill these requirements. Especially regarding the dosage form and evidence in delivering the supplements to their place of destination: the cells.

It is essentially important to develop the micro nutrients to provide best absorption within the intestines, while also being tasty. A combination that sets the bar very high.

Already more than 10 years ago, researches within this field made clear, that only the products from FitLine of the company PM International meet all our high expectations. The long term experiences of our clients and countless elite athletes confirm the expression of only working with the best.

Please experience the quality of the products in the Shop.

Testimonials from Elite Athletes
here you will find numerous statements and videos form professional athletes and their experiences with FitLine supplements.

Sport Catalogue
A professional supplementation with micro nutrients is especially important for elite athletes. Within this catalogue you will find valuable informations not only about the notrients but also ablout the biodiversity of FitLine products, extensive know how as well as several testimonials from successful high end athletes.